Become a Member
The Rotary Club of Gilbert invites you to complete a membership application. Choose from membership options below.
Full Membership
May hold office and committee chair positions
Initiation Fee $75.00 includes the following: Administration, Badge, Rotary Club work t-shirt
Gilbert Rotary Club Polo Shirt $40.00
Annual Fee $460.00 includes the following: Rotary International dues. District 5495 dues, Rotary International magazine, Gilbert Rotary Club dues
Fees are assessed quarterly
Associate Membership
30 years of age or younger | Snowbird (residence in Arizona is seasonal) | Dues structure of full membership is temporarily not affordable | attendance of regular club meetings or functions is presently not feasible due to work, family, or military obligations.
Cannot hold office or committee chair positions.
Initiation Fee $75.00 includes the following: Administration, Badge, Rotary Club work t-shirt
Gilbert Rotary Club Polo Shirt $40.00
Annual Fee $220.00 includes the following: Rotary International dues. District 5495 dues, Rotary International magazine, Gilbert Rotary Club dues
Fees are assessed quarterly
Family Membership
The spouse of a full member in good standing may become an active member of Gilbert Rotary Club.
Initiation Fee $75.00 includes the following: Administration, Badge, Rotary Club work t-shirt
Gilbert Rotary Club Polo Shirt $40.00
Annual Fee $220.00 includes the following: Rotary International dues. District 5495 dues, Rotary International magazine, Gilbert Rotary Club dues
Fees are assessed quarterly
Corporate Membership
A profit or non-profit business entity in active pursuit of business in Gilbert may sponsor a full member with the understanding that the attendance and participation requirements at club meetings and special events may be fulfilled by any full-time employee of that business. The business will be obligated for payment of the full regular dues and charges imposed upon full members, with one such employee designated as the primary person to be listed as a member for official purposes.
Initiation Fee $75.00 includes the following: Administration, Badge, Rotary Club work t-shirt
Gilbert Rotary Club Polo Shirt $40.00
Annual Fee $460.00 includes the following: Rotary International dues. District 5495 dues, Rotary International magazine, Gilbert Rotary Club dues
Fees are assessed quarterly.
Honorary Membership
The Rotary Club of Gilbert Board of Directors may vote to induct honorary members into the club at no cost to the member.