Book Drive for Gilbert Communities
Page Commons - Senior Living
Mercy Housing is a non profit housing communities for Senior Living. 108 residents live in Downtown Gilbert and are looking for donations for their on site library.
More information to come on drop off site dates and locations.
One*n*Ten Gilbert Location
one•n•ten is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving and assisting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth ages 14 to 24. While they may have access to their school libraries, they may not have access to the books that they are truly interested in reading. Our book drive will not only provide books, but also library carts, and library related items. Think of it as a neighborhood take a book share a book for the One n Ten clubs of the East Valley.
If you would like to offer your business or residence as a drop off location, or are interested in supporting this cause in other ways, please contact us at